So the complete air traffic workflow (ACC-APP-TWR) can be trained. given by EUROCONTROL SESAR, the solution allows to switch each working position between the roles of ACC, APP, TWR, Supervisor, Pseudopilot.

To allow to practice modern requirements as e.g. The solution represents an operational ATC / ATM System connected to a powerful simulator. The solution is based on the most up-to-date legislation and requirements by ICAO, EUROCONTROL and under the rules of the National Regulations (ICAO Documents, Annexes) and CNS / ATM Standards and recommendations complemented by valuable educational tools for high training efficiency. It comprizes 3D & 2D Tower and Ground (TWR, GND), En-route (ACC), Approach (APP) and Terminal Manoeuvring Area (TMA) operations as well as SMGCS and more. SkyRadar's tower simulator is a comprehensive training environment for ATCO and ATSEP training.