Select Update Office Software during installation. Go to Trimble Access Installation Manager. Prepare for communication from Access to DC via General Survey Data Card View File contents, Default units settings, Coordinate shift, Point descriptor expansion, Import summary. Specify a points layer, import all coordinates and all bearings and, optionally, display raw data editor. Select template C:\Program Files\Trimble\Shared\Formats\Trimble (DC).lgr. Browse to select a folder for temp files (on hard drive with with plenty of space). Browse to specify the exact path of the source. Download and install the latest Data Transfer Utility (which was version 1.57 last time we looked). Prepare for communication from Survey Controller to Terramodel via Survey Data Card Select Survey Controller (CU) on ActiveSync as an available device. Create Survey Controller (Active Sync) device. If Survey Controller on ActiveSync is not an Active Device. Select No to Partnership (or set up a Partnership). On the computer, when prompted by ActiveSync. Connect to the computer via serial cable, USB, Infrared, or similar. Prepare for communication from Survey Controller to Terramodel via ActiveSync Connect to the computer with the appropriate cable. Prepare for communication from Survey Controller to Terramodel via Serial Port
Open directory to list or delete files on Geodimeter instrument Open Geodimeter File Editor via Terramodel In the arguments field, enter “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Trimble\DCEditor\DCEditor.exe” for 32-bit Windows or “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Trimble\DCEditor\DCEditor.exe” for 64-bit Windows (including the ” characters).Type ALIAS at the command line and press Enter.If Terramodel reports “Command not available”, you can alias the command like this:
Type DCEDIT at the command line and press Enter.Open Trimble DC File Editor via Windows Start menu To add a new device, or change the properties, such as baud rate, of an existing device, select Edit.Devices describe survey file formats and communication specifications used by Terramodel and Data Transfer Utility, are managed by the Trimble Remote Device Manager and can be installed with Data Transfer Utility or Terramodel.